About floortiles.uk

floortiles.uk is a product specific price comparison search engine for shopping online in the UK. It provides free access to search a selected group of products from our database of over 10 million items from 100's of the UK’s top online shops, from household names to smaller specialist stores.

There's a unique mixture of familiar high street shops alongside some of the newer online brands and smaller bricks and mortar retailers.

Our search results will connect you with relevant UK online shops in the Property & DIY category, with our own mix of products and brands. We try to support retailers and products that are both environmentally friendly and sustainable when we can.

In most cases we have an affiliate relationship with the retailers we feature, in that we receive a small commission if our visitors go on to purchase items discovered on this website. These commissions are taken from the retailers profit as part of their marketing costs.

The floortiles.uk website is published by Splashweb, a UK small business, online since 2000. Please contact us with any enquiries you have about this website.

Thanks for shopping with floortiles.uk

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